Die Prüfungsausschüsse regeln die Organisation der Prüfungen und nehmen die Aufgaben nach der Prüfungsordnung wahr. Ein Prüfungsausschuss besteht aus Mitgliedern der beteiligten Hochschulen und Fakultäten und ist die Instanz, die bei Fragen zur Anerkennung von Studienleistungen zu kontaktieren ist.
Jeder Studiengang hat einen eigenen Prüfungsausschuss.
Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang Politikwissenschaft (Gemeinsamer Prüfungsausschuss)
Joint Examination Board Political Science (Bachelor of Arts & Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Prof. Dr. Christoph HönnigeDeputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Representatives for research staff
Bachelorstudiengang Sozialwissenschaften und Masterstudiengang Soziologie (Gemeinsamer Prüfungsausschuss)
Joint Examination Board Social Sciences (Bachelor of Arts) and Sociology (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang North American Studies
Examination Board North American Studies (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Representatives for research staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Atlantic Studies in History, Culture and Society
Examination Board Atlantic Studies in History, Culture and Society
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Bildungswissenschaften
Examination Board Educational Studies (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Deutsche und Englische Linguistik / German and English Linguistics
Examination Board German and English Linguistics
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Prof. Dr. phil. Gabriele DiewaldDetailsDeputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Prof. Dr. phil. Gabriele DiewaldDetailsRepresentatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft
Examination Board Modern German Literature (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Prof. Dr. phil. Alexander KoseninaDetailsRepresentatives for professors
Prof. Dr. phil. Alexander KoseninaDetailsRepresentatives for research staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Philosophy of Science
Examination Board Philosophy of Science (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Religion in the Public Sphere
Religion in the Public Sphere (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Sonderpädagogik und Rehabilitationswissenschaften
Examination Board Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Sciences (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bettina LindmeierRepresentatives for professors
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Bettina LindmeierRepresentatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Sportwissenschaft
Examination Board Sports Science (Master of Arts)
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Deputy Representatives for Professors
Representatives for research staff
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff
Prüfungsausschuss Masterstudiengang Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Examination Board Science and Society
Chairperson of the Examination Board
Deputy Head of Examining Board
Representatives for professors
Representatives for research staff